Brightlingsea Lido
90th Year Anniversary
1932 - 2022
Find out how the lido celebrated 90 years.
Wooly Project
We created a wooly picture which was displayed as part of Brightlingsea Lido’s 90th celebrations.
This was an entirely volunteer run project – aimed at people wanting to share their “wooly hobby”.
The finished work framed the entrance to the Lido during the 2022 season.
It provided a striking focal point and raised many smiles and comments. Children enjoyed searching for, and finding various sea creatures, mermaids and sharks.
Brightlingsea Lido 90 th Anniversary - Anthology and beyond
June 2022 heralded the 90th anniversary of Brightlingsea Lido. From its origins as a tidal sea water pool in 1932, through to a total reconstruction in the 1970’s, the Lido as it is today has become an important and much loved feature of the Brightlingsea Western Promenade. It enjoys tremendous
community support and is admired by locals and visitors alike for its calm and welcoming atmosphere and sparkling clear blue waters.
The Lido is the No 1 tourist attraction in Brightlingsea and has received national recognition from the Guardian – ‘10 of the best lesser known UK Lidos’ - it has also featured in in a number of guides and appeared in full colour in the 2021 ‘Lido Ladies’ calendar.
Also in 2021 the Lido appointed Ruth Loten as Writer in Residence. Ruth has been the instigator and driving force behind the literary creation ‘90 words’ inviting contributions from swimmers and residents about their Lido experiences
and memories - these were published every Monday on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.
In addition, Ruth has been working very hard putting together an anthology of essays, short stories and poems which have been written by Lido friends and supporters of all ages.
We are pleased to announce the launch of the anthology entitled ‘DIPPING YOUR TOES’ which has
been published in limited numbers. Copies which cost £5.00 can be purchased from Brightlingsea
Lido office, Café Lido and through Amazon direct using this link All profits go towards supporting Brightlingsea Lido. You can meet Ruth Loten, and chat about the book in Café Lido on a Friday morning.